The wishing well

Can the wind stay still?
Would a blessing ever practise free will?
Could a wish be drowning in a well?
Maybe those sinking coins can tell.
As the music rings
Like a circus bell,
The beat takes over
And like hypnosis
Seduces the senses
Afar from the illusions of hell
With thoughts meandering around a whirlpool
The same as when
Drawing water
From the depths of a wishing well
Pennies, gold, silver or coins
Well, a wish is all that’s left
To fulfil a wish at times.


Singular Thoughts

  • The world is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel.
  • Same shit different day…happy new year anyway.
  • Patience never runs out…we do.
  • If a promise is a cloud, then fulfillment is rain.
  • If fate does not make you laugh, you just don’t get the joke.